Health and Fitness

Breathing exercises to reduce weight

Once we are overweight, sooner or later we feel the urge to get our bodies in shape. Exercising, yoga, dieting and going to the gym help in their ..Read in full..

How to keep your eyes fit?

Maintaining good eye health is important as it keeps us active all the time. In today’s world, when we are constantly hooked to gadgets like ..Read in full..

Maintaining Serotinin for happiness and mental health

Serotinin is a vital chemical messenger in our brains that is responsible for happiness, emotional wellbeing and mental health ..Read in full..

Natural ways to source vitamins

Vitamin supplements are quite common these days despite the fact that there can be no alternative to a natural diet. Even medical ..Read in full..

Managing Emotional Health

Human life is bound to undergo stress, grief and worry at times, which may affect us emotionally. Emotional health management ..Read in full..

The best time to take vitamins

At times we need to take vitamin supplements to take care of certain deficiencies in our bodies. But do you know the timing of ..Read in full..

Manage your stress effectively

Being a fast life, stress is quite common these days. However, it is important to control stress to keep it within safe limits ..Read in full..

Treating Boil/ abscess at home

Treating Boil/abscess (baal tod) has become a big deal in cities, and hospitals usually are expensive, while the issue is not that ..Read in full..

Getting a nice sleep naturally, bye to insomnia

Sleep is very important for our health. In today’s fast paced world, due to work stress or some other reasons, sleep is becoming ..Read in full..

Comprehensive Anxiety Management

Anxiety Management is essential when one is experiencing anxiety quite often. A comprehensive anxiety management involves a ..Read in full..

Anxiety Management Techniques

A little bit of anxiety is normal. It becomes a problem at times when it causes a feeling of uneasiness, while there is nothing ..Read in full..

Developing Mind Control

Mind control is the most difficult thing to do. However, with effort and practice we can certainly achieve success in it ..Read in full..




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