Getting a nice sleep naturally, bye to insomnia

May 8, 2023
DD Planet

Sleep is very important for our health. In today’s fast paced world, due to work stress or some other reasons, sleep is becoming a problem at times.

Here are quick tips to help you get a nice sleep naturally:

  1. Develop a routine and follow it on a regular basis. Your routine should include both mental activities as well as some physical activities. When we follow a schedule, go to bed at the same time every day and get up around the same time in the morning, our body gets used to a cycle and get tired by the time we go to sleep.
  2. Relax yourself one hour before going to bed. Read a book you love to read or listen to music of your choice or watch some light entertainment on television or spend time with your family. The idea is to relax the mind and not stress it with some challenging tasks.
  3. You can even take a bath, as it would act as a relaxing agent, before you go to bed. Using products like lavender oil while bathing would further give a calming effect.
  4. If your stress is not relieved with light entertainment, you may try breathing techniques such as pranayama or meditation to make your mind relaxed.
  5. Avoid caffeine products before you go to bed. You may instead take herbal tea products which are free of caffeine.
  6. Exercise regularly even if it is for as little as ten minutes.
  7. Drink plenty of water; eat a well-balanced diet and on time.
  8. Make sure you don’t carry your work to your bed and your sleeping environment is cosy.




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