Treating Boil/ abscess at home

June 5, 2023
DD Planet

Treating Boil/abscess (baal tod) has become a big deal in cities, and hospitals usually are expensive, while the issue is not that big if tackled in the initial stage.

Here are the tips to help you treat boil/abscess at home:

  1. Clean the area with soapy water and then with clean warm water.
  2. Do not clean the area other than the abscess. Remember, water, medical gauze or whatever you use for cleaning should not be used anywhere other than the abscess area. This is important otherwise wherever you would touch other than the abscess, there is a high chance that it would spread and the swelling would reach up to that area.
  3. Never touch or rub the abscess area, even when it is healing.
  4. The next step is warm compression. Wet a clean cloth in warm water, wring it out and keep the moist warm cloth on the boil/abscess for ten to fifteen minutes. Do it 3-4 times a day.
  5. Put a medical gauze (a bandage piece available in the market) on the abscess where yellow pus is visible and put a bandage on it if need be.
  6. Any T-Bact cream can be applied but only on the main tip where the yellow pus is visible. Do not spread it to the other area else the abscess swelling would also spread.
  7. If inflammation or slight fever is there, only then take any OTC medicine.
  8. Keep on doing warm compression until the pus starts draining naturally.
  9. When the draining has begun, squeeze gently around the drain opening using a gauze (you may even roll it around that area) and remove the pus. Go slow, if there is heavy pain, do not squeeze unnecessarily and wait for some more time. Do not touch the pus in any other area. Whatever is draining should be removed with a clean gauze or cotton and disposed of safely. You may wear medical gloves while doing so for your own safety.
  10. Until the whole pus is drained and what comes out is clean blood, the abscess is not fully treated and if left before that, would again enlarge and swell.
  11. Do not close the opening with any ointment or cream once it starts draining. While doing bandage again, leave the main opening open and put pieces of medical gauze around it only so that the opening is not closed again.
  12. Only after the complete drain has occurred, can you clean the area with betadine and use any OTC ointment for treating the wound on the opening from where the drain occurred.
  13. Seek the help of a medical professional if it seems not working or you feel you cannot do it.
  14. As a precautionary measure, do not get into the habit of scratching your skin hard and always maintain hygienic hand habits to avoid abscess problems.




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