Manage your stress effectively

July 10, 2023
DD Planet

Being a fast life, stress is quite common these days. However, it is important to control stress to keep it within safe limits so as to avoid health issues.

Here are the tips and advice to help you cope with the stress:

  1. Take regular breaks, distract yourself from the world and allow your mind and muscles to relax.
  2. If relaxing is a problem, perform deep breathing and meditation as it would help you relax yourself. Alternatively, you may visit some place where your mind feels at peace.
  3. Identify the major causes of your stress and avoid those stress-causing situations and triggers. Staying away from the news that upset us is one such technique.
  4. Accept yourself the way you’re and be kind to yourself. Remember you’re a human at the end of the day.
  5. Learn to manage your time. Limit your TV watching and social media interactions. Balance your work and home life. Find time for yourself.
  6. Maintain your physical health by eating properly, exercising regularly and sleeping well.
  7. Do the relevant yoga asanas such as shavasana and perform the relevant mudras such as jnana mudra.
  8. Be social. Talk to others and connect with the people you like.
  9. Do some household work such as cleaning, dusting et cetera.
  10. Spend time on your hobbies or play some game.
  11. Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum.
  12. Stay informed. Read stuff like the one from WHO here.
  13. Read motivational columns such as 'Tips Hub - Motivate-Inspire' or watch and attend some motivational speeches.




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