Breathing exercises to reduce weight

October 17, 2023
DD Planet

Once we are overweight, sooner or later we feel the urge to get our bodies in shape. Exercising, yoga, dieting and going to the gym help in their own ways. However, simple breathing exercises can also work effectively.

Here are the tips and advice to help you lose weight by performing some simple breathing exercises:

  1. Sit upright in padmasana (lotus position) or siddhasana (accomplished pose) or simply sukhasana (The easy pose, the normal sitting position with crossed legs), the one you’re comfortable with.
  2. Perform Bhastrika pranayama. Inhale slowly with both the nostrils (as much as you can) and exhale slowly. Repeat it for 2-3 minutes. You can learn it here.
  3. Perform Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) pranayama. Inhale slowly with one nostril (as much as you can) while closing the second nostril. Then exhale slowly from the other nostril that was closed earlier. Repeat the process inhaling from the second nostril and exhaling from the first nostril. Perform it for 2-5 minutes daily. Time can be increased up to 10-15 minutes once you’ve started practicing it for some days. The following video shall help you do it properly.
  4. Do Kapal Bhati pranayama, initially for 3-4 minutes and then increase it to 15-20 minutes. In this pranayama, we inhale slowly and exhale pushing the stomach inside. You can learn the exact technique here.
  5. Perform Nadi Shodhana. It is like Anulom Viloma with one addition that after inhaling you have to hold the breath briefly before exhaling.
  6. If you’re suffering from cold, flu or fever, avoid doing the above-mentioned breathing exercises till you turn well.




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