Managing Emotional Health

August 07, 2023
DD Planet

Human life is bound to undergo stress, grief and worry at times, which may affect us emotionally. Emotional health management becomes important when we are in trouble, for it provides us with natural healing and saves us from illness.

Here are the tips and advice to help you manage your emotional health:

  1. Connect with others. Share your worries with your loved ones. Cry if you have to. Shed some tears if there is a need. Social circle, however small it is, helps us minimise emotional distress.
  2. Understand your emotions, accept them and express yourself.
  3. Learn to manage your stress. Read the other article ‘Manage your stress effectively’to take a cue.
  4. Stay physically fit. Eat healthy, exercise, do yoga and meditation, walk for some time and take quality sleep. Do not stay hungry for long and keep yourself hydrated.
  5. Keep negativity at bay. Going through a rough patch doesn’t mean it is the end of life. Develop an infinite faith in yourself.
  6. Take deep breaths to relax yourself and rest for some time.
  7. Learn to avoid the things that cause negative emotions in you. For example, when the corona pandemic was at peak, simply not watching news was a plus to maintain emotional health.
  8. Spend time on some leisure activities. Smile or laugh to better your mood.
  9. Keep your self-esteem high. Take tips from the article ‘How to boost your self-esteem”.
  10. If nothing works for sufficient duration, take the help of a professional.




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