How to keep your eyes fit?

September 26, 2023
DD Planet

Maintaining good eye health is important as it keeps us active all the time. In today’s world, when we are constantly hooked to gadgets like mobile phones and computers, it becomes even more important.

Here are the tips and advice to help you keep your eyes fit:

  1. Eat a well-balanced nutritious diet. Ensure that your food has one or the other from fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs, citrus juices or oily fishes like salmon etc.
  2. Take regular breaks. Do not sit on computers for too long. Limit your mobile usage and TV viewing. During the break, look twenty feet away for twenty seconds to relax the eye muscles. After every 90 minutes, take a break for 10-12 minutes.
  3. While working, sit on a comfortable chair, use proper lights and anti-glare on the computer screens.
  4. Sprinkle water on your eyes 3-5 times a day. Wash your hands before you touch your eyes to keep the germs away.
  5. If you use glasses, wear proper lenses. If your eyes are straining a lot, get your eyes checked again. Also, make it a habit to keep your glasses clean.
  6. If you do not use glasses but are experiencing problems in your vision, waste no time to go for an eye examination.
  7. Use sunglasses when going out in the sun, and wear safety glasses while playing sports like ice hockey or doing any job that requires such protection.
  8. Smoking is not good for the eyes. Quit smoking.
  9. Be active and move your body regularly during the day. The healthier your body is, the less prone you are to eye diseases.
  10. Learn and perform some eye exercises every day. A simple one is to focus on a distant small object for some time.




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