Maintaining Serotinin for happiness and mental health

September 14, 2023
DD Planet

Serotinin is a vital chemical messenger in our brains that is responsible for happiness, emotional wellbeing and mental health. It affects our mood and is essential for balancing our mind and controlling anxiety.

Here are the quick tips to help you know the sources to boost your serotonin level:

  1. Take a proper diet. Eat nutrient-rich carbohydrates such as rice and whole-grain products etc. The other choice is eating food rich in tryptophan such as eggs, milk, soy products, nuts, seeds, spinach, animal protein like chicken, fish and turkey and so on.
  2. Get sunlight exposure everyday for at least 10-15 minutes. It helps maintain vitamin D levels in our bodies. Alternatively, go for some light therapy when sunlight is not available.
  3. Be physically active and exercise regularly. Going out for a walk for 15-30 minutes also helps maintain our serotonin levels. The other things you can do on a daily basis is yoga, dancing, running, jogging. The idea is to move your body for some time every day.
  4. Keep your digestive system in order. Eat a high fibre diet and take probiotics like yoghurt to build good gut bacteria that helps in the production of serotonin.
  5. Manage your stress and be positive. Read ‘Manage your stress effectively’ to take a cue.
  6. If you wish to try supplements to boost your serotonin, do it under the guidance of a professional.




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