Anxiety Management Techniques

May 18, 2023
DD Planet

A little bit of anxiety is normal. It becomes a problem at times when it causes a feeling of uneasiness, while there is nothing wrong in reality, and we may even start imagining a worst scenario.

Here are the tips to help you manage anxiety by following some simple techniques:

  1. Pretend coughing.
  2. Sprinkle some water on your eyes.
  3. Perform certain mudras for some time, such as Anjali (Namastey) mudra (visit Anjali Mudra link), Mrigi Mudra and Shiva Linga mudra.
  4. Perform Gyan mudra (visit Gyan Mudra link) to reduce the associated stress, if need be.
  5. Rub gently your eyes or pinch lightly on your neck.
  6. Perform relaxation breathing exercises. Observing your breath, inhale slowly for ten seconds and then exhale slowly for ten seconds. Imagining some positive scene or feeling while you do this will further relax you.
  7. Perform certain pranayama, such as anolom-viloma (you can learn it at Anolomvilom video link).
  8. Simply go for a walk for some time.
  9. Perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) technique. Make a search on Google to learn it or visit PMR link.
  10. Say to yourself, “I’m healthy and all is right”.




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