Keeping mental health intact

February 7, 2023
DD Planet

Mental health is very important for living a healthy and balanced life.

Here are some simple tips that can help you keep your mental health in-control:

  1. Keep yourself physically active and eat a healthy diet. Allot some time for exercise, walking.
  2. Make a routine and follow it as much as you can.
  3. Allot time for doing things you enjoy and love.
  4. Take adequate breaks to relax your mind and body.
  5. Talk to someone, your friends, your colleagues regularly. You can even explore social media to stay in touch with them.
  6. Spend time with your family members, make it a habit.
  7. Stay away from drugs. Alcohol, if needed to be taken, should be within limits.
  8. Do pranayama, watch your breath, take slow and deep breaths.
  9. Distract yourself from the things that cause stress to you.
  10. Pursue some creative activity.
  11. Learn some new things. You may start learning a new hobby, such as cooking, music, dance and so on, or volunteer for some activities you like to do.




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