Yoga tips for diabetes

March 14, 2023
DD Planet

Yoga helps a lot to manage diabetes and even has the capacity to eradicate the disease altogether.

Find here tips on some of the yoga poses (asanas) that can help you control this illness:

  1. Surya Namaskaar: Surya Namaskaar is a lot beneficial in managing stomach related issues. This is Sun salutation having 12 poses that help one balance all the three important doshas of the body namely kapha, vaata and pitta. You can refer to the following video to learn it Surya Namaskar link
  2. Mandookasana: This asana is the frog pose that is performed in the sitting position. You may refer to the following video to get an idea about the same Mandook Asana link
  3. Ardh Matsyendrasana: This asana is the half fish pose that is also performed in the sitting position. If you cannot perform it completely, go slow. The following video can be referred to learn it: Ardh Matsyendrasana link
  4. Paschimottansasana: This asana is a seated forward bend position that helps in digestion. The yoga is performed as shown in the following video Paschimottansasana link
  5. Pranayama: Kapalbhati and anulom-vilom pranayama helps both the stomach as well as relax the mind. The two can be learn online at the Kapalbhati video link and Anolomvilom video link respectively.
  6. Urdhvamukhasvanasana: This is an upward-facing dog pose that helps both the chest and abdomen. The yoga can be learnt in the following video Urdhvamukhasvanasana link
  7. Sarvangasana: This asana is a shoulder stand pose and can be learnt in detail at Sarvangasana link
  8. Balasana (Shishuasana): This yoga asana is a child pose, which is an extension from the vajrasana. The asana is explained at the Balasana link
  9. It is better to practice all the above after learning it properly, even better if done under a qualified professional for the first time.
  10. Don’t push yourself hard. Go slow and if you feel any negative symptoms, stop the asana that is creating problems.




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