Creating paperback book cover from its front image

September 29, 2023
DD Planet

Self-publishing is becoming popular these days. On online platforms like Amazon, D2D and others, authors need to upload the paperback cover themselves. If you already have an ebook cover, you just need to finalise the rear side of the book cover.

Here are the tips and advice to help you create the paperback cover in PowerPoint:

  1. Know the size of your paperback book. The publishing platform you have chosen would provide you the required dimensions. For example, on Amazon KDP, you need to specify the number of pages of the book, the book size you want (for example, 5.5” x 8.5”) and the book style to download the desired paperback cover file and get an idea of the size.
  2. Normally, the paperback cover has certain margins and a spine width on the top of the book size you have chosen. For example, on Amazon KDP, there is a margin of 0.125” on all sides.
  3. Please note that the overall size of the paperback cover shall be the actual book height plus top and bottom margins on the length side, and twice the book width plus the spine width and the left and right margins on the width side. The spine width would obviously depend on the number of pages of the book.
  4. Once you know the desired size, open the Microsoft PowerPoint and create a new file. Go to Design – click ‘Slide Size’, choose ‘Custom Slide Size’ and specify the desired width and height of your book cover (the one you finalised in the previous step or as was there in the downloaded paperback cover file from platforms like Amazon KDP). In windows10, you need to click the ‘Ensure Fit’ option as well.
  5. Insert and move your ebook cover image file to the right of the book cover in the PowerPoint slide. Right click on it and adjust size and position as per your book cover size, treating it as the front side of the paperback cover.
  6. Right click on the left side of the slide (which is meant for the rear cover page of the paperback book) and change its background by clicking ‘Format Background’ on the right click.
  7. Choose a rear background that fits the theme of your ebook cover and insert texts in it (leaving the space of the spine width) that convey the key points of your book. You may either insert a textbox or a WordArt to achieve the same. You may even insert an image via ‘Insert – Pictures’ option and adjust its size and position.
  8. Adjust the size and position of the rear cover and its texts. If you have a logo image, place it on the left bottom of the rear cover and leave the right bottom for the barcode that would be placed automatically once you upload your paperback book cover on platforms like Amazon KDP.
  9. Create the spine by inserting text in the specified area between the front and the rear cover of your book and write the book name and the author’s name on it.
  10. Rotate the spine text by 90 degrees right. Click on the text, go to ‘Shape Format’ tab at the top and click ‘Rotate’ (or under ‘Home’ tab, click Arrange – Rotate). Make sure that the text size is convenient to the spine width of your book and fits it easily. Use font size, middle and/or ‘justify’ alignment to place it properly.
  11. Adjust the spine by clicking on it and adjusting its size and position according to the required placement. You may even change its background and fill a different colour or pattern in it.
  12. Save the PowerPoint slide as a pdf. Your paperback book cover is done.




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