Technology Use

Creating paperback book cover from its front image

Self-publishing is becoming popular these days. On online platforms like Amazon, D2D and others, authors need to upload the paperback cover themselves ..Read in full..

Picking the Domain Registrar for Your Website

After you’ve finalised the name of your website, it is important to choose a right domain name registrar company to register the domain name of ..Read in full..

HTML - Executing a script based on screen size

Sometimes it becomes necessary to execute a portion of the javascript or any other script for specific screen sizes only, i.e., for either small ..Read in full..

Improving small business cyber security

In this online world, cyber security is vital and hence it becomes imperative to invest in it irrespective of the size of your business ..Read in full..

Saving ppt slide as an image without background

Sometimes we want to have an image without a background. If we have created this image in powerpoint (ppt) or even otherwise, what ..Read in full..

Avoiding phishing frauds

Although the major e-commerce transactions like online banking are safe, we need to be alert against phishing frauds. Here are quick ..Read in full..

Sharing a document that cannot be downloaded

Sometimes we want to upload a document publicly and don’t want someone to download it, i.e. we want it to remain viewable only. Of ..Read in full..

Precautions: What if your mobile phone is lost or stolen

In today’s world, more than a mobile, it is the data inside the phone and the SIM card in it which is more important and hence we ..Read in full..

MS Excel - conditional formatting by comparing another cell

Conditional formatting is a useful tool in MS Excel. When it comes to applying it where formatting happens because of comparing a ..Read in full..

HTML - space between lines

Line spacing is very important in the text that appears in the articles or otherwise on the website. We generally don’t care about ..Read in full..

MS Word - different header footer on pages

At times it is required to keep a different header and different footer on the odd and even pages, for example, while writing a book ..Read in full..

Precautions: Save your mobile from a damage

Mobile has become a necessity in the modern world. With all time usage, it is prone to damage and hence, we need to be careful in ..Read in full..




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