Saving ppt slide as an image without background

June 01, 2023
DD Planet

Sometimes we want to have an image without a background. If we have created this image in powerpoint (ppt) or even otherwise, what we need to do to have the resulting image without a background.

Here are the tips to help you save ppt slide as image and then remove its background:

  1. Keep no background in powerpoint so that it is plain white.
  2. Save the slide as an image (jpeg, jpg).
  3. Open the saved image in Adobe photoshop.
  4. Use ‘Magic Eraser Tool’ (under ‘Eraser Tools’) and click on the background of the image. The background will turn to check boxes of white and grey blocks (like a watermark).
  5. Save the image as PNG with the default option ‘Interlace as None’. If you do not save it as PNG, the white background would appear again.
  6. Now when you use the new image anywhere like on an HTML web page, the image background would be the same as the background of the web page.
  7. If you do not have photoshop software, you may use some free online tools, such as to remove the background.




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