Is there flaw in the opposition alliance name – I.N.D.I.A.?

July 20, 2023
Devinder Dhingra

Satyam (The Truth)

Recently in their joint meeting, the opposition parties have finalised their alliance name as I.N.D.I.A. Well, it sounds catchy. But at the same time, it raises a question whether such nomenclature should be allowed that resembles the country’s name.

We’re also hearing that a police complaint has been lodged in this regard. And why not? Such a nomenclature definitely demands an analysis and legal check. However, it is difficult that any action would be taken since they are likely to get away with it by saying they have named it I.N.D.I.A. (the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance) and not India.

Practically, there is going to be a problem since when media or politicians would say INDIA, people may get confused and it doesn’t feel nice too at many places since the country’s documented name is involved in it indirectly.

Shivam (The Solution)

While as I said above that legally, it is being called I.N.D.I.A. and not India, there is hardly a chance that they would face any hurdle in it.

However, the following restrictions should be imposed by the respective authorities:

  1. No one shall be allowed to call them in public as India, rather they should pronounce I.N.D.I.A as separate letters, i.e., आईएनडीआईए instead of इंडिया.
  2. The above restriction shall apply on media and other formal communications as well.
  3. Clear guidelines regarding this shall be imposed so that in future no party or group is allowed to play with a nomenclature like this.
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