Let me remind the farmers!

February 3, 2021
Devinder Dhingra

Sundaram (The Guidance)

The truth is that our fellow citizens, certain farmers, are still agitating and the deadlock is not yet over. The Red Fort incident surely caused a change – a change for the stir itself as well as a change in the attitude of the Government and public, both.

Well, it is crystal clear that the apprehensions stay as they were irrespective of the fact that nobody knows exactly whether what farmers are fearing would happen in reality. The ego barriers are also visible somewhere and one may certainly doubt whether it’s just a propaganda or a problem in reality.

Anyways, let me remind my farmer friends some relevant things from history:

Reforms and development go hand-in-hand. Reforms have happened in the past and will happen in future too. No country can develop without a change. And no change will ever be the final one. The changes will continue to happen.

Just imagine what would have happened if all the public sector and Government employees had blocked the major roads and protested until death when economic reforms in the form of privatization had taken place. We certainly had not been enjoying competitive rates, better service and cheap products in many sectors such as banking, telecom etc. The corruption quotient that has been reduced in the bureaucracy because of technology would have remained the same.

Without a change no existing system can yearn to be error-free and near-perfect. Please shed your fears if you’re thinking once the new farm laws are in place they would never be modified even if found beneficial to you or not repealed if they are proved harmful to you.

Let me remind you of the Mandal commission. Except toppling a Government, the self-immolation and mass agitation drive achieved nothing since the recommendations were finally implemented, though by a new Government, without any opposition.

Therefore, it would be better to choose a middle path over adamance and see what best can work within the given framework since neither we love to see your plight nor would like you not to grow.

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