Why aspiring authors must avoid Partner Publishing?

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I’ll begin with the background. I’ve so far won two Partner Publishing contracts and one Traditional-cum-Partner Publishing contract. I’m saying ‘I won’ since my manuscript was supposed to have passed the editorial desk and related evaluation. I refused the first one straightaway. Asked the second one to provide me with a marketing plan along with how they are budgeting in each and every chain, they never replied, perhaps they read that I hold an executive business management stamp.

The third one was an interesting episode. They asked me to make a choice - traditional or partner contract, after I passed the first stage of evaluation. Of course, the royalty payment was different, being low in the traditional publishing option. There was a big statement as well - 'Except royalty part we don't differentiate between the two, whatever option you choose'. My option was obviously traditional publishing despite the low royalty. I was crystal clear on this. I sent my complete manuscript that passed all the editorial and other formalities in the next couple of months and my book was selected for traditional publishing. Now the big hurdle, a commissioning editor has to pick it depending on the market viability as and when he/she would find it proper, without a timeline. The first time I felt doing an engineering is quite easy. To be candid till then I was kind of believing in them and was elated with a sense of achievement.

I followed up with them twice or thrice in six months. After that I stopped since I became suspicious. The intelligent side of my mind put brakes on the emotional and vulnerable side in me. Firstly, I understand that the market is prime for any publishing house but in that case the commissioning editor should be first in the chain analyzing the market viability, not the last. Secondly, if a publishing house gives priority to those who chose partner publishing instead of traditional publishing and in the same breath also claims that 'we don't differentiate whatever choice you make', one must be suspicious. Any business has risks. Publishing industry is no different. It's all about the gut feeling. If you believe in a manuscript, you shall be ready to take the risk or shall not be in the business.

As an author, all of us want success. And thus, there is no harm in investing money if you believe in your product and especially if the manuscript has passed the evaluation stages.

But why Partner Publishing then?

Go for self-publishing. Why do we call self-publishing as vanity and Partner Publishing as another option? Both are the same. The difference only lies in our mind.

For any book to succeed, the product and the expertise that one may buy is not enough. Marketing, timing and luck matters a lot. Only in the case of traditional publishing, you may get access to the best but not in the case of Partner Publishing. Reason is simple. If someone invests in your product, they are bound to put all their efforts into making it work. And these days when even a traditional publisher expects one to get involved in the marketing to some extent, be it Partner Publishing or self-publishing one has to do marketing oneself entirely. So, why fall for a Partner Publishing contract? You might be hoping that they would do marketing for you, but why shall they? They have their own business model and their goal is met when you sign a contract.

In a nutshell, either wait for a traditional publishing contract or self-publish (whether paperback or digital or both). Say a big 'No' to these Partner Publishing options that are mushrooming around because of our psyche as an author. Rejection is certainly better than false hopes and a false feeling of achievement that are the by-products in case of a Partner Publishing option.

August,30 2020

Devinder Dhingra

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