Is ‘Living only in the present moment’ possible?

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Forget about the past, do not think about the future, enjoy living just in the present moment.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, the present is what all you have.

We hear a lot about it. It sounds good too.

If we can achieve it, nothing like that. However, is it practically possible?

Not really.

We tend to think about our past and our future, both, for it is an integral part of our thought process. We can surely make efforts to live entirely in the present moment, but it cannot occur that we only live in the present moments.

Moreover, we adore our past memories too if they are good and beautiful, the ones that make us happy, for example, the time you spent with your sweetheart or your close friend.
Certain experiences and moments of the past may motivate us too.

Likewise, when we dream about the future, at times it may fill us with the required motivation too, with the courage that is essential for our growth and boosting our endeavors towards our goals.

Living in the past or in the future is not entirely bad. Only if we overdo it or if it disturbs us, it becomes bad.

The past that only produces unhappiness or hinders our progress is no good at all. We may only learn from some such experiences, but if we start living in it, it simply blocks us mentally.

Worrying too much about the future is a similar barricade. We can milk a small amount of fear that can help us work hard, but beyond that, it is also haunting and a waste of time, which only disturbs our mental peace.

All we need is a balance of everything, actually. We need to avoid the past that hurts us. We need to stop thinking too much about the future as it just increases our anxiety and at times our fears. We need to shun all the thoughts that lead us nowhere.

Our goal shall simply be to embrace the present while cherishing the past and future in between in a healthy way.

February 06, 2024

Devinder Dhingra

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